Get ready for an unforgettable spring fishing season on the Bighorn River!
As winter gives way to warmer days, the Bighorn River will come alive with activity, promising exciting angling opportunities for all.
The snowpack average contributing to the Bighorn River watershed is measuring about 76% of average this year, ensuring a consistent flow of cold, clear water throughout April and May. This creates optimal conditions for Rainbows and Browns, with the cold water keeping the fish active and feeding, setting the stage for an exceptional spring fishing season.
The Bighorn River is renowned for its large trout, making it a favorite destination for anglers seeking trophy-sized fish. The cold-water conditions, maintained by the release from the Yellowtail Dam, create an ideal habitat for trout to grow to impressive sizes.
April and May are prime months for insect hatches on the Bighorn River. Blue-winged olives and midges are among the insects that emerge during this time, providing trout with a buffet of food. As the river comes alive with insect activity, trout become more active and aggressive feeders. This is the time when anglers have the opportunity to land some of the biggest fish of the year.
The average size of trout caught on the Bighorn River in the spring can vary, but it's not uncommon to reel in fish measuring 16 to 20 inches or even larger. Some anglers have reported catching trout exceeding 24 inches, making for an exciting and rewarding fishing experience.
While air temperatures in the Bighorn River area will range from the 50s to 70s Fahrenheit in April and May, water temperatures will remain cold. With the gradual snowmelt, water clarity on the Bighorn River is expected to be excellent in April and May.
With the snowmelt underway and temperatures rising, April and May are shaping up to be an epic spring fishing season on the Bighorn River. Whether you're a seasoned angler or new to the sport, now is the perfect time to sharpen your fly fishing skills and experience the thrill of fishing on one of Montana's premier rivers.