Bighorn releases to hit 7,000cfs this weekend



In an effort to control the rate of fill, which seems to be a real and perpetual struggle the last eight years and made worse when starting runoff with inadequate available storage), Reclamation is making the following changes to Bighorn releases:

On Friday at 8pm, river releases will increase 750cfs, bringing releases from 5,500cfs to 6,250cfs.
On Saturday at 8pm, river releases will increase another 750cfs, bringing releases from 6,250cfs to 7,000cfs.

Note these changes will be made at 8pm both evenings.

Wade fishing is unpractical and very unsafe at flows above 6500 CFS. Fishing from a boat is still safe for experienced oarsmen but the best advice is to contract the services of an experienced guide that can get you down river safely and also put you on fish all day.

Have fun and be safe. Any questions please contact