3 Health Benefits of Fishing



If you ask any die-hard fisher why they love the sport, they will probably say something about the thrill of the catch or the time they get to spend quietly thinking. However, fly fishing can be so much more as it actually has many health benefits.

Fishing is a blend of sport and relaxation, making it a perfect low-impact, low-stress activity. It keeps you moving for hours, using your muscles and your mind to complete your task.

What Are The Health Benefits of Fishing?

  • Your Heart: Walking to your favorite spot or along the river can get your heart rate up. Reeling in a fish, from big bass to even a stubborn little guy, can get your heart pumping.
  • Your Brain: Nothing quite forces you to unplug from the stress of life like getting away and losing yourself in the sport. Studies have shown the people who spend a few hours in a wooded area to meditate, relax, or think demonstrated lower blood pressure, cortisol rates, and pulse rates than those who did activities in the city.
  • Your Body: The physical activity of baiting and reeling will keep your arms, shoulders, and muscles flexible and open. Being by the river and breathing fresh air—real fresh air, that is rich in oxygen and pollutant-free—is great for your lungs and spending time in the sun will raise your Vitamin D levels.

Fishing is also a great way to get the kids out and active. Today, the average kid spends 7 hours or more in front of a screen. Taking your children fishing is a great way to not only make sure they are getting Vitamin D, breathing some fresh air, and moving around, but the bonding experience can be pretty great too!


To learn more about the fishing programs offered by our Bighorn river lodging, call us at (406) 333-1449 and speak with a member of our staff.
